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C/. Sorní, Nº 35, Valencia.

96 333 04 34




Usual Price   25 €




Night             25 €







Glad to have you here too. I'll tell you a little of my life. I come from a family restaurant where I grew from very small between stove and dishes, this restaurant is Leixuri, a classic city of Valencia which serves authentic Basque cuisine thanks to a spoiled and very high quality product. I just recently started my new dream. With a clear idea and a solid project was born what I like to call Gastrolife. A restaurant in which the goal is to have fun unleashing our creativity in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. We provide the first provider directly reached approximately adjusted product prices. I like to define our cuisine as sincere. Curios, many details, walls full of art, industrial, interior, vintage items and many more details that I would like you to share with Valen & Cia surrounded by a great team of professionals.


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